Meet Pie Monster

Pie as of summer 2018
the first Pie Monster

Pie Monster

Meet Pie Monster. Pie is one of Safari Mall's main characters. Pie is a pink googly eyed gluttony monster who is Cookie Monster's Canadian cousin. Pie monster's favorite food is pie (obviously) instead of cookies but he does enjoy occasionally eating cookies (and everything else). When Pie Monster can't eat pie he eats literally anything else. Pie's best friend is Krusty the Pie (a talking berry pie that Pie Monster knows he can't eat). Pie works at the Safari Mall bakery with Krusty the Pie, Little Timmy (a talking doughnut), Chef Gator (a cheerful but bumbling alligator chef), and occasionally his cousin Cookie Monster.

Pie Monster with Krusty the Pie (top left), Chef Gator (top right), Little Timmy (bottom left) and Cookie Monster (bottom right).
